South Central Federation of Labor
Members and children of members who belong to any SCFL affiliated unions, live or work in one of the eleven counties, have not yet received a post-secondary degree, and have not previously been awarded a SCFL scholarship are eligible to apply. They will award one $1000 scholarship, by lottery drawing from amongst the eligible applicants. The application deadline is Friday, June 20 and the winners will be drawn at the July SCFL Executive Board meeting.
1. One $1,000 Scholarship will be awarded. Half of the amount ($500) will be given at the beginning of the first semester, upon submission of proof of tuition paid, and the remaining half ($500) at the beginning of the second semester, upon submission of proof of tuition paid.
In addition, the Dodge County Chapter of the South Central Federation of Labor will award two $500 scholarships, $250 for each semester.
2. The scholarship applicant must not yet have earned a post-secondary degree and must not have previously been awarded a South Central Federation of Labor Scholarship.
3. The scholarship applicant or one of his/her parents or legal guardian, upon whom the applicant is still dependent, must:
a) Be a member of a Labor organization affiliated with the South Central Federation of Labor at the time of application. (This eligibility requirement is considered fulfilled if the parent or legal guardian was a member of an affiliated organization and died within the 12 months preceding the application.)
b) Live or work in Dane, Columbia, Dodge, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Lafayette, Marquette, Richland or Sauk counties.
c) For the Dodge County Chapter scholarships, live or work in Dodge County.
4. The scholarship applicant must attend an accredited, post-secondary school and must be taking at least six credits.
5. The Scholarship Committee will conduct a lottery drawing of the qualified applicants on July 9, 2024. The first name drawn will be the $1,000 scholarship winner. Then the two Dodge County $500 scholarship winners will be drawn. The Committee will then draw an additional name who will be alternate should the $1,000 winner become ineligible to receive their scholarship for either or both semesters. Then two Dodge County alternates will be drawn. Results will be posted on by July 10, 2025.
6. All applications must be received or postmarked no later than Friday, June 20, 2025. Applications should be sent to:
1602 S. PARK STREET, #228
(608) 256-5111
Complete the application on-line