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  • IBEW 965 Scholarship
    Updated On: Jan 10, 2025

    IBEW 965

    Scholarship Program


    The IBEW 965 Scholarship Program is open to all dependents of Members & Retirees of Local 965

    who will graduate from high school in the 2024-2025 school year. The Member must have been in continuous good standing for at least two (2) years with Local 965, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The Retiree must have been in good standing with Local 965 at the time of their retirement. The 2025 Scholarship award is in the amount of two (2) $500.00 scholarship awards. The Local 965 Scholarship Committee will determine the two winners for this year.



    Applications must be received by April 1, 2025 to: Local 965, IBEW Scholarship committee at 701 Watson Ave., Suite 200,  Madison, WI 53713, on the official application forms which are available from the Local 965 office or Local 965 website. Applicants are required to submit a complete personal resume of their notable activities to date. This is to include involvement in high school programs, clubs,

    sports, community service, and personal goals. Applicants are required to submit an essay of between 50 - 100 words.  Describe how growing up in a union family has benefited you and how you see it shaping your future.  The essay must be typed. 

    The Local 965 member is required to submit an essay of between 50 - 100 words on how has being a union member provided you and your family with values and opportunities? Please explain how you have been able to instill those values in your son or daughter. The essay must be typed.

    Each Applicant must submit two (2) letters of recommendation, one (1) from their high school and one (1) from outside the school (not a family member), who is familiar with abilities and performance records.


    Selection of Winners:

    The Scholarship Committee will examine the complete record of each scholarship applicant. All applicants that satisfactorily complete the requirements of the scholarship will have their name included in a random drawing, which will have two winners picked from the random drawing. The winners will be notified, and the scholarship awards will be published on the Local 965 website and Facebook page.



    The scholarships will be awarded upon proof of acceptance into an accredited college, university or technical college as full time students attending at least a one (1) year program. The check will be made payable to the recipients and to the appropriate institutions. The scholarships are to be used for all legitimate educational expenses.


    Responsibilities of Winners:

    The winners are expected to attend a college, university or technical college and to take classes appropriate for their chosen curriculum, and to begin study by the first (fall) semester of the following school year.



    The creation of the scholarship program is a free act of the International Brotherhood of

    Electrical Workers, Local Union 965. Local 965 retains its right to alter, suspend, cancel

    or halt the IBEW 965 Scholarship Program at any time and without giving any reason,

    provided however, that the scholarship winners already in college, university or technical

    college under the program have received the scholarships for a total of two $500.00





    1. The Scholarship Committee of Local 965 will be the sole determining body in establishing, administrating and awarding the IBEW 965 Scholarship Program.

    2. Member will have paid dues with Local 965 for a period of at least two (2) years to be in good standing for purpose of this program. The Retiree must have been in good standing at the time of their retirement.

    3. Dependents are defined by the IRS tax codes.

    4. Applications must be post marked by April 1,2025.

    5. No applications post marked after April 1,2025 will be allowed.

    6. Applications must be on an Official application form provided by IBEW Local 965.

    7. Scholarships will be awarded during May 2025.

    8. Student and member essays must be typed.

    9. Two (2) letters of recommendations are required and to be attached plus a senior picture.

    10. Winners will show proof of acceptance in an accredited college, university or technical college.

    11. Scholarship checks will be made out in the names of the recipients and the institutions they will attend. Education expenses are defined as tuition, books, tools, room, board, and other educational supplies.

    12. Winners will be enrolled by the first semester (fall) of the following school year as full-time students in at least a one-year program.

    13. The Scholarship Committee will be notified two (2) weeks prior to the start of classes if the recipients do not attend or are unable to attend his or her choice of higher education.

    Download: 2024-2025 Scholarship Program.pdf

    More Information:
  • IBEW Local 965

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